Last night Hna Rosmery, my pensionista asked what I would like to have for dinner because its my birthday and it would be my last meal with her until I come back to say farewell, I told her I wanted fry chicken :). I love her chicken! I am most likely going to cry eating it tonight...I cried just telling her what I wanted to eat. Haha. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I appreciate it so much. My zone is so kind to have an activity and cake this morning. They are most likely to throw some eggs at me and some flour (the bolivian tradition on birthdays). And also most likely going to shove my face into the cake...(other tradition). Its going to be awesome. I´m pretty excited. :) I am really grateful for my companion...Hermana Rumualdo. Its amazing how you can learn so much in 6 weeks from someone you are with 24/7...well almost because of companion exchanges...but its really amazing how you can learn to love someone so quickly....I am really going to miss her...She´ll be here in villa luz with a Latin companion. She is worried about learning english......but I know she will be fine.
We had the wonderful priviledge to have a leader trainingship conference with the 70ty Elder Carlos Godoy. It was a beautiful conference. I had never felt so uplifted by the spirit....It was incredible. It made me love being a missionary more and to realize why I need to be here. The impression part is that he speaks three languages. Portuguese, English, and Spanish. He got so confused speaking three languages...hahaha to his wife and to all of us. He taught us a lot about the difference between testimony and conversion. Conversion is so much more about the change of how we live our lives...I already plan on teaching a few of these things that I learned in the mission to others when I get home. I just love it all. Because its the same with Satan...We know that Satan has a testimony. He knows that God lives and that Jesus is our Savior..but he is not converted. He does not live the gospel. I hope that those who read this can take this in mind just a bit and work towards their conversion.
I was able to do a companion exchange with Hna Watt and Hna Nuñez this past week in Villa Mexico. I was able to get to know the area of Villa Mexico. Its a beautiful area. Huge area. Hna Watt only has 4 months in the mission. She is from Masachusettes. She speaks wonderful spanish and she helped me a lot to be constantly aware of the well-being of my companions. She is wonderful missionary with desires to complete her goals.
We had stake conference in Jaihuayco. It was also very beautiful. I loved it. I love learning from the many leaders about how we can become better people each day.
Oh I cut my hair for 50 bs. Thats about 7 dollars. The cheapest haircut you can get is for 10 bs...A dollar fifty. But you know me...and my chinese hair. I have a hard time trusting people to cut my hair, so I went to a place a little more pricy but its dang cheap still. They washed my hair and curled it. I loved itttttt! Hehehe Felt like a queen for the day.
To reflect on the 6 months that I had in Villa Luz...fills me up with so much gratitud and love. I still have to let the Martinez family know that I´ll be leaving and the other converts we have here...But what makes it easier is to know that I´ll come back on my last few days in the mission to visit a few people....At least my time here in the mission isn´t over just yet. I don´t want it to end.
Marvy spilled the beans....haha And I am really considering in Studying at BYU be able to continue my path independently. I think I really needed to come on the mission to decide to go. But I am planning to be home before school starts of course. But I´m still praying about it as the days go by.
I am so grateful for the 21 years of life I had and the one year I now have to be able to serve our Savior Jesus His vineyard of love. I am so grateful for this wonderful service of has been a wonderful blessing in my life...and I wouldn´t change it for nothing. I testify that the Lord loves us and knows us perfectly. I know my afflictions and sufferings are just a decimal of what he had to suffer for me....He leads me, He guides me...He is my shephard and He lives...
I love you all and thank you for everything,
Hna Santeco
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