Monday, May 11, 2015

Y quienes os reciban, allí estaré yo también

the things i do to get warm. ugly but necessary. oh well we are in bolivia right?

adobe houses-

Vara kids. 

Happy Mother´s Day! Feliz día de la madre! I was really happy to see you all last night and to see how seeing my family is something I do look for and what I did need last night. I woke up this morning and my cold got worst. The weather change going on here is affecting me. I had to wear three layers of sweaters last night to get a little warm, not completely warm, but just a little. Haha. But I´ll be getting some cold medicines for that. 
This week was a little stressful, but full of wonderful blessings. We were able to find new less actives to teach and new people to teach, and new members to work with. The work is moving forward here. I like it! Potosi is the hardest area I ever had in the mission and knowing that I will be most likely finishing the mission here is a big push for me to keep working. Hna Donoso shared a beautiful quote with me that I carry with me always now, "Como termina su día será como terminará su mision. Como termina su misión, va a determinar como será su vida." How you end your day is how you will end your mission. How you end your mission is going to determine how will you life will be. I am pushing myself so I can end the day well and keep seeing the fruits of our labors. My companion is an amazing she is helping me go through the trials of the mission and to really see the Lord guiding and protecting us. I do feel like if I am going through the same footsteps as our savior and see how there is good as well as there is evil. Satan is working hard with us and trying to tear me down. But then my Zone Leader remided me a scripture last night. Doctrina y Convenios 84:88. Y quienes os reciban, allí estaré yo también, porque iré delante de vuestra faz. Estaré a vuestra diestra y a vuestra siniestra, y mi Espíritu estará en vuestro corazón, y mis ángeles alrededor de vosotros, para sosteneros. Stake President Hafoka shared the same scripture with me just when he set me apart as a full time missionary. He also told me that its normal to be scared, but remember this. This scripture. I had seen how the scriptures had helped me to see and open my eyes how they are true and they do provide comfort. I had a hard time sleeping last night, but I thought profoundly in this scripture and thought of Jesus Christ our savior receiving the comfort from His father. His Father sent Him an angel to comfort Him as He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane. I could feel it, inspite of the cold weather laying under 5 thick blankets, that my Heavenly Father sent His angels to protect me and hug me as I fell asleep. 

Whoever shall receive me shall also receive Him. He will be on my left, On my right...surrounded by His angels to bare me up. 
I am a happy missionary blessed with the knowledge and the five cans of spam that the Eyre Family sent me and my companion (hahahahahahaha). But really. I am grateful. Its amazing how the time goes by fast and life just keeps moving forward and we see how wonderful our Heavenly Father is. 
If I do have to say another thing which I learned, it has to be that I´m learning to respect people´s free agency. Mostly of the people we contact and teach. Or in all, everyone. Its a trial at times, but I´m learning a whole lot about it. 
This week, just like I said last night, I´ll be traveling to Tupiza to do companion exchanges. A 5-6 hour long bus ride. Not fun. We will be also getting back and we will have to travel back to Tupiza until Quiriza which is 5-7 hours away in Bus the following week. I am not too sure when we will be traveling there next week, but I heard it could be in the afternoon or 4am monday. We shall see. So if there is a little difference of when I email you, difference of time, you know its because I am traveling. 
Just a friendly reminded, I expect a movie marathon night with you all when I get home and to eat panda´s express when I get home. My zone leaders call me panda power now because they think its so funny that I´m chinese and that I could own Panda Express. They gave me the idea that I actually wished that I did hahaha. I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Don´t worry too much about sending me a package if not. I figured that if you send it, I´ll be getting it in July and that´ll leave me 2 months to enjoy it. But its all up to you. Send me warm fuzzy socks! Haha. I love you all and I love my Savior Jesus Christ.
Hna Santeco

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