is here again! All the Latin Americans left and it was so bittersweet
to see them all leave. But more are coming tonight and tomorrow. The
sisters are so amazing here although I could only understand so little
of what they said. On my birthday, President and Hermana Dyer made a
birthday sign for me and placed it on our room door and classroom door. I
seriously forgot it was my birthday. I woke up forgetting it until I saw
the sign. Thank you family for the videos for my birthday. I loved them a
lot. Happy birthday, Jesse!!! I wish I was there to celebrate it.
President Dyer and Hermana Dyer also got me a spanish temple recommend
holder :). It was a good day. One of the Latina Hermanas wrote me such a
sweet note and gave me two pairs of earrings. It was adorable. When she
left she cried so much telling me all these things in spanish.....all I
got was, "I love you. You have the light of Christ within you". hahaha
But I just felt so much love from all of them. One of the hermanas
learned how to sing a birthday song in English and she sang it to me.
Last night she sang it again and literally broke down in tears because
we knew that we would not see each other again for awhile.
It's really cold here...well for someone like me
because I am from Hawaii. Its like 60 degrees. The food is alright. I
have adjusted yet I miss food from home. That is why I am eating all my
snacks right now hahaha. I have stepped on the scale and I think that I
have not gained yet....thank goodness. We will see how that goes.
I have been so exhausted that this past sunday, I
literally was falling asleep during class. It was terrible and
embarassing. Even in the temple.....most of us are so tired that we have
a hard time staying awake. Oh which reminds me, WE WENT TO THE TEMPLE
THIS MORNING! It was amazing as usual. We were also given a special tour
to see the bridal room, sealing rooms, family sealing waiting areas,
and baptismal font. It was incredible and absolutely beautiful....the
spirit is so strong in the temple. It really is. I have honestly have
been having a hard time keeping the spirit with me because of my
constant doubt in myself....but from lots of struggle I found that I
need not to have confidence in myself...but to have faith and confidence
in Christ. One of my favorite things I have learned this past weekend
is that during our deep doctrine lesson on sunday, President Dyer was
telling me how we sometimes wonder where did the Lord appear in the
temple. Then he made us all realize that He has been in all of the
rooms...ALL OF THEM because this is His house. So today when I went to
the temple, I looked at every inch of it as if He was there and that
really made the experience a lot special. Family you have to watch a CES
devotional called Christ and his Blueprint for us sometime! I think
that is what it is called.
My companion and I have our ups and downs when it
comes to teaching, but we are getting better as we go through the days.
We learned how to teach with the spirit and to not just teach lessons, but teach people. Yesterday we taught an acting investigator who told us
that he no longer wanted any more lessons from us..and it was
devastating. We made the effort to pray for each other while we teach
and from that we found that to be really helpful in the ability to teach
in unity.
I have been here for two weeks now and in two more
weeks I will be having an Latina compañera! Ahhhhh it scares me so much
but I could not be anymore excited. When the Latin Americans left last
night, I have felt it to be just as if I were leaving my mission in 18
months and just feeling so sad to leave people that you love so much.
Since time is going by so fast the maestro was like "Are you ready for
more intense spanish?" Then I yelled out loud, "Bring it on!!!" Everyone
This language is so difficult......but its coming I
know it is. An elder who was in the CCM 11 months ago came yesterday and
shared his experience with the language. He is gringo...(foreign) from
California and his spanish is INCREDIBLE. He sounds like a native
speaker. He inspired us to really pray and work hard to get the
language. He said we have to expect to not understand ANYTHING for
awhile when we go to the field because the language has different
accents in different countries in South America.
I still can not believe that I am here. I am so
tired. I miss napping and I miss you all. But I know that I am here for a
special purpose.
Did you know you can get
more than one patriarchal blessing? But that is only if your blessings
are completely fulfilled then you can get another. I thought that was
really cool.
Unfortunately I could not meet with those people I
met on the plane and asked me to come to their house here in Bogota. But
I sent the address to the mission here so they can teach them. I am
also planning to email them today hopefully.
We went prostelyting the first time last week
Saturday. It was SCARY, but so rewarding. Mi compañera and I had a hard
time finding people to talk to because they either did not believe in
God or just was not interested. But one of the guys was actually reading
the pamphlet we gave him. I also gave flowers to this homeless woman. I
am striving to develop the Christlike attributes of Charity and
patience. I have to really humble myself. I honestly wish I have
memorized all those scripture masteries in seminary...that would have
helped a lot.
It was so funny in the temple today because people
quickly assume that I am south American and that I can speak spanish
already. The temple president shook my hand and started to speak to me
in spanish and asked if I spoke English since all the other people
around me were white and obviously American.
Yo se que mi familia es eterna. Estoy muy feliz de ser misionera. Mi Redentor vive y nos ama. Continue to pray and
study the scriptures as a family. God will give you muchas bendiciones
for your efforts. He will. Yo lo se porque Dios nos bendice con el
Evangelio y la expiación. My next Pday is next friday. 10 days to wait
for my next email. Paciencia is a virtue.....haha
Les quiero mucho.
Siempre con amor,
Hermana Santeco
oh and the sisters always tell me how much they love my
smile....and they describe it with the hand gestures of slanting their
eyes with their fingers....hahahaha One of the sisters in the temple was
excited to meet me because she heard about me from another sister. She
did the same thing with her eyes. But they do love my smile they said.
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