Monday, October 27, 2014

Ang ebangehlyo ay para sa lahat! Spam is not Cow...

Sooooo...I found that phrase in Tagalog in a Liahona. I liked it, so I put it as my title of my email for this week. And as for the spam is not cow...that I will explain. My companion and I were craving spam and we found a can of meat in a store that looked like spam, but it is made of cow meat. Its from Brazil and opening the can took an hour to do was wasn´t spam! We ate wasn´t like spam....spam is not cow..cow is not spam! It wasn´t like home, but the following day I made fried rice with the left over meat we had. That was good. I am glad I know how to make fried rice. Thanks mom. haha
This week was amazing. I have improved tremendously in the lessons we had, in the language, in my desire to be here. I have been teaching with ALL I got. All HEART all soul all might and strength. God has been blessing me for my efforts...We were in a lesson with an investigator who has a lot of problems....a lot....and when I was with her...I literally hear the words being put into my mind and my heart for me to say to her. I left that lesson feeling great because I knew that I did my best and that the spirit truly guided me. She told us all her doubts and wouldn´t believe one her doubts being that--she doesn´t want to get baptized because she refuses to wear skirts. She can´t wear skirts and she doesn´t like wearing them....we tried to explain to her that its a silly thing to worry about when she clearly understands the importance of baptism....oh sometimes I go crazy in lessons when people make their doubts huger than they really are. But I am praying for her, that she can accept the skirt. hahaha

I found out that I have all the pictures from home on my thumb drive. I thought I emptied it all out, but it so happens there is a folder called "trash" in was weird but I found everything. From my studies to all the photos and videos I took before I came here. I printed out two pictures of our family from last christmas and I hold them with me everyone. One day we contacted two women on the street sitting in front of their store. They saw the photo of our family and they said that they love how happy we looked in the photo. They loved it that they didn´t want me to leave with my photo. They wanted to keep it and they wanted to meet my family. I explained to them the happiness that the gospel truly brings to our family. We have an appointment with them this week. :)
We are going to the temple this thursday!!! I am soooo excited! We are going to have a baptism this saturday. I am so happy!!!! We had worked tremendously hard for this day to come and the fruits of our labors come through. 
My companion and I have been going out running every morning. We are exercising...because we love food too. I gotten used to running that my body never aches anymore after a day...I want to ache.....because now I feel like the running isn´t doing anything...hahaha
As for the baptism, we have to tell everyone that it starts one hour earlier than it really you know why?? It is because we are on Bolivian Time...its pretty much the same as Hawaiian time. hahaha. 
I meet this cholita abuelita. She is HILARIOUS. She doesn´t know a lot of Castellano (Spanish), but she speaks quechua. But when we do talk to her in spanish, its a crack up. I was asking her getting to know you questions for example I asked her if she knows how to cook. She said yes. I asked her what she likes to eat. She said carnito (carne or meat) and soups. I asked her if she likes to eat Chuño. She told me, "I can´t...I don´t have teeth". She pointed at her mouth and I realized that I had NO IDEA that she didn´t have teeth. Bahahahahahahaha. Then my companion asks her, who is your chico? We saw you with him (she doesnt have a chico we were just teasing). She says, he wasn´t with me, he is with other chica. She laughed sooooo hard. We laughed sooooo hard. She´s a lovely woman, really. I have a photo with her. Hehehe.
We have been struggling these past weeks with many investigatores unable to recognize the promptings of the holy ghost. But after having patience and working diligently, the Lord has blessed us tremendously to meet wonderful people who already know how to recognize the spirit. There was one of them who told us straight up that she could already feel something special with us. That her heart is warmed up that it burns. Ella decia "me quema, me quema aca" pointing directly to her heart. It made us soooo happy. The funny part of that lesson with her was that my companion and I were soooo sleepy. Houses in Bolivia make us sleepy we dont know why. But when my companion was talking, I was falling asleep and so I was like I NEED TO TALK. When I was talking, she was falling asleep...hahahah we left that lesson really happy and laughing that we were struggling there but we really had felt the spirit guide us to this investigator. 

As for packages...the voltage here is 220. And the toothpaste, correct me if I am wrong, do we use colgate at home or crest??? Because I saw a red box that looks like the one at home, but I can´t remember very well... :( But I think I am going to buy it and hope that its like the one at home.
Next week I will share everything about my WONDERFUL week at the temple and the baptism! Oh did I mention that our mission president will be baptizing our investigator too?????!!!! Its really happening!!!!

I am a happy missionary...I really am. Last night my companion told me:

Hey can I tell you something.
Um sure?
Why respond like its something bad? You had improved so much this week. You are speaking so much. It makes me sooo happy for you.
I love you all my family!!! I pray for each and everyone of you. Thank you for your prayers of faith and your loving support.
Hermana Santeco
PS: As for school, I guess it will be fine to start in November so that I can start school in ease. I was a little stressed last week after when I found out the semester starts differently, but I know this for sure...that I will not shorten my time here just to study. The Lord has given me 18 months, and I will work 18 months! haha...but I know I can´t extend my time here either because the visa to stay here only lasts so long...but we will see what happens. :)

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